Think Water - Mareeba

50 Byrnes Street
Mareeba 4880
Opening Hours
Mo-Fr: 7:00am-5:00pmSa: 8:00am-12:00pm
Su: Closed
Need some help getting your garden or crops plenty to drink?
The Think Water – Mareeba team are the experts in a range of irrigation and water products and services.
Ask us about water services for your home, office, agricultural or rural business, including:
- Pumps, tank transfer systems, boreholes, wastewater pumping, submersible clean water pumping, solar remote water harvesting
- Irrigation, drip systems, pop-up sprinklers, micro-sprinklers, shrub and under tree water, fog and misters, hard hose irrigation, controlled dosing of mineral and vitamin supplements, sports oval irrigation
- Filtration and water treatment, UV systems, reverse osmosis, wastewater treatment, chemical removal, particle material and bacterial treatment, water softening systems, water testing, gravel filtration and microfiltration systems